


































Consulting Services

CHARTS - County Highway Accounting and Resource Tracking System

CHARTS is designed for the County Highway Departments to provide an accounting system, annual budget preparation, annual operating report, project tracking, and resource tracking system. 

CHARTS will assist the department in balancing with the County Auditor and the preparation and filing of claims and payroll.   

CHARTS will also provide a daily appropriation balance and cash balance based on daily activities of the Highway Department. 

CHARTS will print all necessary reports plus many extra, helpful reports. 

CHARTS can integrate with GIS systems to provide maps of any and all work being done. 

CHARTS also works for other offices such as Health Departments and Solid Waste Districts.

PLAZA - Planning and Zoning Administration System

Permit Issuing – PLAZA will print all permits for the unit to be issued to the builder/owner.  The user will not need to fill out permits by hand.  Fees will be calculated for all permits issued eliminating errors.   

Permit Tracking – PLAZA allows the user to track and search for permits.  Permits can be searched for by owner, builder, address, permit number, etc. 

Permit Reporting – PLAZA prints reports of all permits issued within the unit or individual township.  The reports can be then be forwarded to the appropriate assessing body so they can perform any assessment work necessary. 

Receipts – PLAZA issues receipts for the user.  The user no longer needs to keep a receipt book and fill out receipts by hand.  Receipts can also be issued for miscellaneous items such as copies, maps, books, etc.  Revenue reports are generated showing total revenue for the unit and/or individual taxing districts. 

Inspections – PLAZA manages inspections for all permits issued.  The inspector can schedule and plan all inspections.  PLAZA will print an inspection report to be taken onsite for the inspection.  The inspector can then enter the results into PLAZA for future look up.  Inspection histories can be printed for any property. 

Licenses – PLAZA allows the user to track licenses issued by the unit.  PLAZA tracks licenses by contractor and employee.  The user can quickly see if licenses are valid.  A renewal reminder letter can be printed to send to license holders. 

PLAZA is completely user driven in that the user setups the permit types, fee structures, inspection types, license types, revenue categories, etc.  We have not bound the user to any standards in an effort to let the user maximize their use of PLAZA.


GFIX - General Fixed Assets Software

GFIX eliminates the tedious task of maintaining, by hand or spreadsheet, the Fixed Asset Ledger.

GFIX allows continual entry of assets for any number of years and can be sort the assets based on the years owned.

Search capability is builit into GFIX to allow the user to find, view and edit any asset at any time.

GFIX sorts and totals the assets by fund, department, and type of asset.

GFIX provides various reports including the Fixed Asset Report as required by the State Board of Accounts.


AUTO EXCISE - General Fixed Assets Software

AEXC processes the text files provided by the BMV so you can avoid the cumbersome printed copies. This includes both Auto and Boat excise.

AEXC produces the June and December settlement using the data from the text files so you do not have to do the math.

AEXC figures the monthly wheel tax distributions for wheel tax counties.

AEXC distributes the Final Excise Distribution to each unit using the exact formula specified by the state.

AEXC allows you to customize groupings and settlement periods as needed. Special distributions can easily be added.


Consulting Services

We offer, on a contractural basis, various consulting services to assist local governmental units. This includes counties, cities, towns, townships, fire districts, and all other taxing units.

GFC can complete total preparation of the annual budget ready for publication and filing with the Department of Local Government Finance via Gateway as required. We can also perform Annual Report preparation including submission to Gatewy.

GFC can assist you with any/all funding, budget and appeal questions and problems.

If your local unit is having a problem or is needing some assistance, GFC can help.

GFC can also write custom software programs.

Just let us know your problem and we will research and develop the best solution for you!

Our business is providing help to local governmental units!